Monday, September 21, 2009

Clipmarks - Clips by marshal sandler's Guides

Clipmarks - Clips by marshal sandler's Guides: "the FCC is ready to make net neutrality the law of the land.

Quick primer: Net neutrality means that an internet or wireless provider can’t allow some pieces of information to get to the user faster than other pieces of information. The fears are that a provider could either accept cash to send some pieces faster than others, or inhibit free speech by preventing information it didn’t like from moving, or from moving at the same speed as others. There is no better explanation than John Hodgman’s on The Daily Show.
Now, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski is expected to announce Monday that what had previously been guidelines about net neutrality will soon become hard and fast rules
here’s hoping the FCC will follow through and that electronic information will be able to freely run wherever it wants."
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And Other Book Titles I Wish I Wrote

And Other Book Titles I Wish I Wrote: "I just got done reading Jeanne Bliss’s “I Love You More Than My Dog”: Five Decisions That Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad. It is exactly the kind of book companies need to read, if they care about service excellence, and if they need to see the results and benefits of following a path to customer loyalty. I love the hell out of this book. Check out the quick passionate video I shot at the Roger Smith Hotel about Jeanne’s book:"
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tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog

 A couple weeks back, we announced a partnership with Socialvibe. As the blog owner, you get to pick which charity you support in the gadget configuration - then your blog's visitors are invited to do something (for example: rate a video, watch an ad, sign a petition). Each time they do that something, the advertiser who's sponsoring the gadget pledges a certain amount to the charity you've chosen.

I picked charity: water, and in two weeks my blog's readers have raised nearly 7,500 gallons of water for Charity Water. That's really remarkable, and I hope to see the number continue to go up.

What's been intriguing to me has been the effect it's had on me as the blog owner. I've watched the number climb and check the site a couple times a day to see where it's at. I'm thinking about picking a new charity each month to try and spread the love a bit, but also to re-engage prior visitors. It's a fun exercise, and it's quite fulfilling to know that something so simple can have such a meaningful impact on people who need the help.

If your blog is on Blogger, the link above contains the simple instructions to get started. If you're on WordPress, this article does a good job explaining it in more detail and has links to the WordPress setup (Socialvibe is also a WordPress partner). The Socialvibe site has simple directions for getting started on MySpace or Facebook. Give it a try, let me know what you think  16 sept 2009 Rick Klay

tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog
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