I’m sure most of you have seen our awesome
Glue shirts and stickers. We’ve been sending them out to passionate Glue-rs, and also sending them around the country (and
Canada) to different tech events.
If you haven’t seen the
swag, check out our
Flickr Group, I <3 Glue, where Glue-rs are posting pictures of themselves sporting their Glue

I’ve picked some favorite pictures to highlight:
Dan (JengaJumanji) for incorporating a
Gorilla wearing a suit.
Matthew (matthewclower) for including his adorable nephew
Stephen (nemoid) for putting a Glue Shirt on his puppy Harry
Jeff (jpbrunelle) for being awesome
Eggo, for carrying around her shirt around the mall
MarshalSandler.com » Best Glue Swag Photos