And Other Book Titles I Wish I Wrote: "I just got done reading Jeanne Bliss’s “I Love You More Than My Dog”: Five Decisions That Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad. It is exactly the kind of book companies need to read, if they care about service excellence, and if they need to see the results and benefits of following a path to customer loyalty. I love the hell out of this book. Check out the quick passionate video I shot at the Roger Smith Hotel about Jeanne’s book:"
More on the Wacky World of Weed
Each week, my frustration ebbs and flows. I still believe that people
always win, but in the world of cannabis, we are still fighting an uphill
battle. A...
Welcome nRelate Users!
Our friends and competitors, nRelate, announced this week that they will be
discontinuing their service and plugins. They have graciously recommended
Embracing Prototyping
I used to think that designers were naturally creative people that just had
better ideas than the rest of us. I used to (and still do) envy the ones
who ma...
I’ve Moved Onchain
Over the last few years, I’ve moved my internet life from web2 to web3 and
rarely use any web2 services anymore. So I am starting a series called
“I’ve Mov...
Dr. Joel Bennett and the Quest for Presence
I’ve known Dr Joel Bennett since I enrolled in his Resilience and Thriving
Facilitator training years ago. His work with Organizational Wellness and
his ma...
My 3 Words for 2023
What is My 3 Words About? The My Three Words idea is simple. Choose 3 words
(not 1, not 4) that will help guide your choices and actions day to day.
Think ...
Guide on How to Budget for a Wedding
Wedding budgets are not the easiest to make. Committees make this process
more accessible, but it can still be challenging. The strategy comes with
Dr. Vivek Murthy
We usually publish Remarkable People on Wednesday mornings, but we wanted
to get this interview out before the elections. This episode's remarkable
طريقة عمل الكريمة لتزيين الكيك
طرق عمل كريمة تزيين الكيك كريمة القهوة إنّ البيض والحليب هي المكوّنات
الأساسية لهذا النوع من الكريمة، وهي من أنواع الكريمة الغنيّة بالعناصر
الغذائيّة وال...
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