“Mainstream Media” Must Go! « BernardGoldberg.com
“Mainstream Media” Must Go!
Main-stream (mayn-streem)
Main or current thought or behavior: the ideas, actions, and values that are most widely accepted by a group or society, e.g. in politics, fashion or music
Since there is very little mainstream about the so-called mainstream media, it’s time for all of us to stop using such a misleading term – and come up with something new.
Is the New York Times or NBC News really mainstream when they ignore the Van Jones story?
Isn’t there something wrong when Glenn Beck, who doesn’t even pretend to be a journalist, scoops the “mainstream media” on all sorts of stories – from Van Jones to Acorn, to name just two recent examples?
The fact is there are lots of stories that Americans care deeply about that simply hold no interest for so-called mainstream journalists. I get the impression that if FOX News decides to run with a story that may, for example, reflect badly on President Obama or one that puts a spotlight on some liberal judge who let’s child molesters off with (barely) a slap on the wrist, the mainstream media won’t go near it. That may be regrettable, but I fear it’s true.
So, here’s where all of you come in. What term should we come up with to replace “mainstream media”?
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