Monday, September 14, 2009

Clipmarks - What are you finding on the web?

Image representing Clipmarks as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase
Clipmarks - What are you finding on the web?
The Vision

We created Clipmarks because we're fascinated by the moments that snap people out of a day dream. Lets face it, when we read articles in newspapers, magazines, or on the web, we often drift in and out of space. But then there are those moments that smack us in the face and make us take notice. Offline, they're the moments when you reach for a highlighter or pair of scissors. But online, what do we do when something within a web page jumps out at us? Bookmarking the whole page is not an adequate solution because it doesn't let us shine the spotlight on the parts that matter the most to us. And copy/paste, forget about it.

Think about when John Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." That line was part of a much longer speech. Imagine if instead of being able to clip that line from the speech, people were forced to listen to the entire speech every time.

Now imagine if that was a web page. What if you were forced to bookmark the entire page, but you really wanted to clip the part that mattered most. How many people would have the time or attention span for the whole thing? How many people would even know about that famous line? That's why it's imperative that people be able to clip the best parts of web pages and be able to save and share their clips without having to bookmark the entire page. That's why we created Clipmarks.

Our hope is that people will clip the great moments they experience on the web. We often refer to these as the woah moments. Many will clip for themselves and some will clip for the benefit of others. People like Invictus, Haraya, Djiezes, Wildcat, Deepti and so many others on the Clipmarks site are posting amazing clips about all sorts of topics -- teaching people about things they wouldn't normally have the time or attention span for.

Whether you use Clipmarks to manage what you find or discover new things, we are committed to making your web experience more fun and efficient.

10 Things About Us

We believe that information is easier and more enjoyable to digest in small portions. Kind of like movie trailers, sushi and cliff notes.
We're based in New York City.
We believe in cheap, clean, renewable sources of energy.
Derek can code in his sleep. This phenomenon was recently captured on camera.
Approximately 5 times per day we find ourselves telling people random bits of information at bizarre times. When they ask, "Where did you hear that?", we say "Someone clipped it."
Some of our hobbies are: EricG loves playing shortstop. Derek makes beautiful furniture. Adam plays the guitar. W quits smoking (looks like it could be for real this time). Skiff is a Podcasting guru.
Each of us has at least one pet. Edit: Sadly, Adam had to give his cat back to her original owner when he and Clipette moved into a pet-unfriendly apartment.
During a typical update to our site, we consume more coffee than the entire country of Luxembourg does all year.
We considered changing our name to but wimped out.
In the first annual Clipmarks geeks vs cool guys bowling match, the geeks defeated the cool guys as Derek rolled 3 straight strikes to close out the last frame. He said it was the greatest moment of his life.

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Poisoned Fiction Review

Poisoned Fiction Review      
Our Favorite Book Store

After careers in history, libraries, and the law, I joined the rest of my family in Arizona over 20 years ago and opened The Poisoned Pen in 1989 as a kind of hobby to support my book habit. Who knew? Here we are with a wonderful staff, phenomenal customers, worldwide trade, and a web of relationships with authors, publishers, readers, and colleagues that is beyond price. I read everything, so while we began as a Mystery Bookstore we're today an independent bookstore specializing in quality fiction and nonfiction with forays into delights like history, food, travel, wordsmithing—anything we like.

I'm especially pleased with a 1998 Edgar Allan Poe Award nomination as editor of the Best Critical/Biographical Work and to have received the MWA Raven Award for outstanding contributions outside the field of creative writing. And with some 12 nominations as Bookseller of the Year.

I'm a member of The Mystery Writers of America, The British Crime Writers Association, The Crimewriters of Canada, The Valley Independent Booksellers Association, and the American Booksellers Association/Book Sense, and co-founded the Independent Mystery Booksellers Association. My husband Robert L. Rosenwald and I founded Poisoned Pen Press in 1997. I am Editor in Chief. So I own the bookstore and he works for me; he owns the press and I work for him—thus we stay happily married.
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10:10:10 10/10/10

10:10:10 10/10/10: "
Save The Date!

Next year, October 10th is going to be a big deal. Similar to this year’s 09/09/09, there will be a moment on 10/10/10 when it will be 10:10:10.

That is the time of the opening events for

The Idea Sandbox Brainstorming Destination

You’re all invited to the celebration!
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Get Glue: The Network That Sticks With You

Get Glue: The Network That Sticks With You
Connectors on Glue: Fri Sept 11
by Fraser on September 11, 2009 · 2 Comments
A Friday afternoon treat for you: an update on the biggest Glue connectors over the past 7 days.

Quick background: part of the info displayed on the new Glue object pages is the source where the user visited the item. If a user visits an item via another user’s collection, then that individual is sited as the source.

As mentioned in the post last week, this allows a quick tally to see who is the most influential connector on Glue.
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 "This is not the end of the newspaper business. It’s not the last chapter; it is merely Chapter 11.” Fred Lebolt, President and Publisher of (and prepare for attribution to an incredibly long title) Sun Times Newspaper Group Suburban News Division and New Media Integration, kicked the Transformation of News Media session off with this rather epic sound bite. Fred was joined on the panel by Mark Marvel (MSNBC), Kinsey Wilson (NPR), Kay Madati (CNN) and moderator David Griesing (The Chicago Tribune). Rather than cranking out a giant post attempting to summarize an incredible panel, I thought I’d share a few more sound bites that caught my attention and captured the key takeaways. Local is incredibly valuable in the new model: “Our ability to share deeply relevant local content and engagement is key…. One of the keys of local content is the database- not merely disseminating the local news but using the apps model and making that content very easy to target and easy for the audience to find.” –Lebolt “Our view is that, in the future, no single or handful of news organizations will dominate the local scene…. It is an advantage that we don’t have a big established legacy in local communities.... We are attacking local as a startup would. Partnerships are important and you have to let those partners stand on their own.” –Marvel on the acquisition of EveryBlock Selling against breaking news is tough but there is a huge opportunity for media companies to serve as creative consultants:

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